- About
- Principal's Welcome
- Caught You Being Awesome
- CHS: Our Vision/Mission/Student Outcome Learning
- New to CHS?
- CHS Academic Calendar and Bell Schedule
- School Profile
- Coronado School of the Arts
- Activities
- Activity Fees Policy
- Community Partners
- School Accountability Report Card (SARC)
- Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA)
- Adult Education
- Website Accessibility Notice
- CHS Alma Mater Song
Principal's Welcome
Welcome, Islander Students and Families, to Coronado High School!
Welcome to the Coronado High School 2024-2025 school year! I am grateful and proud to serve and support dedicated and inspiring staff, kind and curious students, and generous and involved families and community members.
At Coronado High School we celebrate the uniqueness of each individual and honor the diverse backgrounds, values, and perspectives which comprise our community. We are committed to recognizing, learning about, and supporting one another, and to preparing our students to learn, work, and thrive as citizens with cultural awareness and responsibility.
Coronado Unified School District believes every child every day needs a connection, a challenge, and a champion. Our Islanders have the opportunity to connect with peers and teachers through innovative classroom experiences, CoSA conservatories, career technical education courses and pathways, a wide variety of elective courses, clubs, ASB events and activities, athletics, Islander traditions, and more.
Coronado High School is a small school with the opportunities of a large campus. We provide a rigorous and challenging educational program, offering academic and extra-curricular opportunities aligned with much larger schools throughout the county. We are committed to maintaining the highest standards so there will be no shortage of opportunities for your student to feel challenged through high quality instruction while accessing a wide variety of options to get connected to their school and fellow Islanders.
The 2024-2025 school year brings new student opportunities and expanded experiences that support requirements for college and career and more personalized learning pathways. CHS students are required to successfully complete 23 classes to graduate and the 4x4 learning format allows for students to take up to 32 courses providing course choice flexibility and allowing all students to find the path that encourages motivation, curiosity, and success. Students are able to choose a new challenge (advanced class) or, if need be, even have an opportunity to successfully remediate a course.
Every Sunday evening, you will receive a weekly newsletter called CHS Islander News. This is your “one stop shop” to stay informed about the happenings of our community. The CHS website is a place to go to pull static information, facts about CHS that could be important for a family at any point of the year, for example, elective offerings at CHS, the bell schedule, the school calendar, how to log in to Synergy, etc. Please be sure to review and bookmark this important information.
Our programs and opportunities are the result of generous community support. We encourage you to connect with us and other families through joining and volunteering with our Coronado High School PTO, the Coronado Schools Foundation, CoSA Foundation, Coronado Safe Harbor, and attending school events and activities. CHS is a dynamic community; if you want to be involved and don’t know how, please reach out and ask. We are here to get you connected.
I look forward to connecting with you to inspire your child to recognize their strengths, foster their confidence, and challenge them to pursue and develop their passions as we, together, champion their efforts, everyday.

Welcome to the Islander Family. It's going to be a great year!
Karin Mellina
Tim Kusserow
Assistant Principal
Kristen Ereno
Lead Counselor
Online Registration is REQUIRED FOR ALL NEW & RETURNING CUSD STUDENTS Click HERE for Online Registration
In-person REGISTRATION is REQUIRED for all students
New Students: August 1-22 BY APPOINTMENT ONLY
- Print Affidavit (You will come across it during the online registration process)
- Bring the completed Affidavit and 2 Proofs of Residency to your appointment
Returning Students: Registration Completion Dates for Returning Students ONLY:
- Print Affidavit (You will come across it during the registration process.)
- Bring the completed Affidavit and 2 Proofs of Residency (original and a xerox copy for us to keep of each Proof of Residency) to the CHS Theatre at your assigned date and time to complete your registration.
- Monday, 8/14– 8:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. Last Names A - K
- Tuesday, 8/15 – 8:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. Last Names L - Z
- Friday, 8/18 – 8:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. Make-ups
Tuesday, 8/20:
- Seniors 9:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m.
- Juniors 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Wednesday, 8/21:
- Freshmen 9:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m.
- Sophomores 11:00 a.m. -1:00 p.m.
Wednesday, 8/21: 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. CHS Theater and Quad.
- TIKI FEST!! New Student and Freshman Orientation
You may also reference important dates on the CHS Calendar.
Click Here to download the communication plan including how you will hear from CUSD ("The District")
Click Here for the Welcome letter from CUSD Child Nutrition
Click Here for the Meal Charge Policy