2025-2026 Course Selection Information
- Course Selection Process
- Course Descriptions
- 4 Year Planning Information
Course Selection for the 2025-2026 school year is upon us!
Course Selection Timeline:
January 27th - Course request forms received by all rising 10th-12th graders in counseling presentation during College and Career Day
January 29th– Students watch Xello Course Selection video in Homeroom
January 31st– Course selection opens in Xello
February 5th – Students enter course selections into Xello in Homeroom and turn-in Course Request Form to period 2 teacher
February 7th – Deadline for current CHS students to submit course selection in Xello
February 13th – Presentations in CMS 8th Grade Science Courses by CHS Counselors
February 19th 5pm-6:30pm - Future Islander Night
February 21st - 8th graders turn-in course request forms to their science teacher
February 24th-28th - CHS counselors at CMS for course selection appointments
Between February 3rd - March 28th – Students will have an individual appointment with their counselor to discuss course selection and post-secondary plans
Grade Specific Course Selection Information:
Rising 9th Graders:
Rising 10th Graders:
Rising 11th Graders:
Rising 12th Graders: