Dual Enrollment and Community College
Dual Enrollment Courses - College Courses offered through Southwestern College on the CHS Campus
Dual enrollment courses are where students can earn both college and high school credit for college courses completed while they’re still in high school. Dual Enrollment courses are offered to 10th-12th grades students through Southwestern College(SWC) and are held on the CHS campus. The courses are taught by a SWC professor, where the student earns college credit that meets college entrance requirements for most UC and CSU schools. Each course is worth 10 CHS credits that meets graduation requirements as well. Dual Enrollment courses will be weighted on a student's CHS transcript.
All courses attempted and the units earned will be recorded on the student's permanent record for future use toward college graduation requirements. Dual enrollment requires students to apply to SWC and complete the complex registration process. All courses are treated as such as the student is enrolled in college with all communication being between the student and professor. These courses are a great opportunity for students to get college credit and experience.
Benefits of taking a Dual Enrollment Course:
- Students earn weighted high school credit (same as AP) on their high school transcript
- Students earn college credit that is transferrable to most Universities
- This class counts as one of your 3 or 4 classes
- Fall Term - August to December
- Spring Term - February to May
Dual Enrollment Guidelines for 2024-20245:
- Student must be in 10th-12th grades
- Recommended minimum GPA of 2.5
- Overall history of good attendance
- Student displays self-discipline and motivation
- No past history of withdrawing or dropping a Dual Enrollment course
- Student must meet the registration requirements and deadline or their spot will be filled and they will need to enroll in a CHS courses
Dual Enrollment Spring 2025 Course Information and Registration Steps
Courses offered in 2024-2025 are the following:
Fall 2024
- BUS 120 - Introduction to Business - Great for any student pursuing a career in business, accounting, finance, economics, real estate, or if you plan to own your own business
- ASL 101 - American Sign Language 1
- Math 252 - Analytic Geometry and Calculus III
Spring 2025
- ASL 101 - American Sign Language 1
- ASL 102 - American Sign Language 2
- BUS 120 - Introduction to Business
- COMM 103 - Oral Communication
Southwestern College Dual Enrollment Program (Also called California College & Career Access Pathways (CCAP)
Dual Enrollment (CCAP) Registration Process
STEP 1: Review the Dual Enrollment CCAP Introduction Overview Presentation and Step by Step Application Help
STEP 2: Complete CCC Apply Application
- Complete CCC Apply Application – Click HERE (Select the red Credit Courses box and the New & Returning Students gold section)
STEP 3: Complete SWC Application -
- After you complete the CCC Apply application, it will bring you to the Southwestern College page and there will be a link that says Start New Application. Click on that to complete your SWC application. It is a little tedious and confusing, so please let me know if you have any questions.
- For enrollment status – please select Enrolling in high school and college at the same time.
STEP 4*: Submit a CCAP Student Agreement Form
*You can only complete this step once you have received your MySWC ID and password, which will be sent to your email 1-2 business days from the time your application was submitted
- Go to https://www.swccd.edu/admissions-and-financial-aid/outreach/california-college-and-career-access-pathways-ccap.aspx
- Click on the first link California College & Career Access Pathways (CCAP)
- Scroll down to the red section and click on Submit the CCAP student agreement form, then the yellow font CCAP Student Agreement Form
- Complete the form (you will need your MySWC credentials, which can be found in your email. Search your email from SWC. It should be a welcome email with your user name and temporary password)
- For the form, please put the following:
- Term: Spring 2025, Year: 2025
- Grade level that you will be in next year
- Then complete all personal information (Do not check the homeschool box)
- For your parent’s information, please input the parent that will be able to access and sign the form electronically
- Sign the form electronically and submit the form (You will NOT be able to sign for your parents or the principal, so just submit the form without that)
- Inform your parent/guardian that they will receive an email from Southwestern College. Once the form is submitted a link will be sent to your parent or guardian to create an account with Next Gen Dynamics to sign the CCAP agreement form.
- Once your parent signs the form, you have completed the process and do not need to attend any additional workshops! Awesome job!
HELP Resources:
- The best resource is reaching out to CHS Lead Counselor Ms. Ereno at kristen.ereno@coronadousd.net or 619-522-8907 ext. 2101
- Students can use our CCAP webpage as a reference- it includes "How to" videos for the parent signature in English and Spanish.
- Jaguar Call Center (619) 482-6482 - We are happy to announce that students can now reach us via our Jaguar Call Center. The Outreach team is happy to answer any questions and support students through the application, CCAP, and HSS process. Our hours of operation are Monday - Thursday 8:00 am - 6:30 pm and Friday 8:00 am - 3:00 pm.
- Outreach Lobby: www.swccd.edu/outreach
- Zoom Outreach Lobby: Tinyurl.com/outreach-zoom
- Email: outreach@swccd.edu
For any questions regarding Dual Enrollment, please email Kristen Ereno, CUSD Lead Counselor, at kristen.ereno@coronadousd.net.
Community College Information
Live Support to Answer Any Questions
- Available Monday - Thursday 8am-6:30pm and Friday 8am-3pm
- Go to www.swccd.edu/outreach
- Click on Outreach Lobby to access Chat or Video Chat
Apply HERE
City First Step! Informational Sessions and Application Help
Apply HERE
For any questions regarding Community College events, please email Kristen Ereno, CUSD Lead Counselor, at kristen.ereno@coronadousd.net.